Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Marine Corps JROTC Cadets to visit in May

Heads up StMU Cadets...

2-5 May 2013, 17 female and 33 male JROTC Cadets will visit San Antonio and will be in need of a place to sleep for three nights.  If you are willing to open your dorm floors to a sleeping bag or two then let your CoC know (and give CDT Swan, your upcoming CO, a heads up). 

Links update

The Links and External Resourcespage has been updated with your Company's own FB Page.  Ensure that you are added to the group (it may be "secret") so that you can receive immediate updates via FB notifications.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

New OPORDs page link

To assist future cadet staff in disseminating  OPORDs, a new OPORDs page has been created.  Be sure to update your favorite links on your personal computers.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rest In Peace, 2LT Fuentes

Rattler BN, 
  By now you may have heard the sad news – 2LT Jeremy Fuentes passed away in his sleep at his mother and father’s house last Thursday, 1 Nov 12.  Some of you may recall seeing him during PT at the beginning of the semester.  He is a student here at StMU and some of you may have had a class together.  He was completing a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and was projected to graduate in Spring 2013.  For those that would wish to attend services, below is the information:
 For a link to his obituary, visit here.
- May his soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen. 

War on Terror Seminar

November 10, 2012 at St. Mary's University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas.

This one-day event is free and open to the public; seats, however, are limited. To register, please contact Center for Terrorism Law at (210) 431-2219, or email
CLE credit is offered for attorneys.

Professor Addicott is extending this invitation to ROTC Cadets.

For more information, visit The Center for Terrorism Law site.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2LT John Funtanilla Golf Tournament for Future Leaders of America, 2013

FLOA Golf Tournament Flyer 2013

30th Annual Orienteering meet

30th Orienteering Meet
Who: All Texas JROTC programs, their instructors and other spectators from the local community
What: 30th Annual St. Mary's University SROTC Orienteering Meet
Where: Camp Bullis, Texas, Training Site (TS) #1
When: Saturday, 2 FEB 2013
Download the forms and waivers here:

  • 30th SROTC Orienteering Meet information
  • Waiver
  • Entry Form
  • Download the flyer image here.
  • Veteran's Day Ceremony

    ROTC will be conducting a Veteran's Day Ceremony on Wednesday, 14 NOV, 1400 at the Bell Tower. Uniform: ACUs. Make a note in your calendar so that you can be present. Be sure to practice your D&C. 

    Rehearsals will be held Wednesday, 7 NOV, 1400.  Uniform: ACUs (pen, pencil, paper, etc.)

    US Army Cadet Command Command Sergeant Major Roger Howard

    CSM Howard, Roger

    Command Sergeant Major Roger Howard was born in Goodman, Mississippi on August 3, 1964. He joined the United States Army on July 5, 1983.

    His assignments include the XVIII Airborne Corps and the 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, NC, SETAF Vicenza Italy, 2nd Infantry Division Camp Stanley, Korea, Drill Instructor Fort Dix, New Jersey, the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Fort Bliss, Texas, and the 3rd Armored Division, Hanau Germany. His deployments include Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

    CSM Howard has held numerous leadership positions, which include: Howitzer Section Chief, Gunnery Sergeant, Chief of Firing Battery, First Sergeant, Brigade Operations Sergeant Major, Battalion Command Sergeant Major (1-319 AFAR), Command Sergeant Major of the 82nd Airborne Division Artillery (Divarty), Command Sergeant Major of the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Commandant of the XVIII Airborne Corps NCO Academy, Command Sergeant Major of Task Force Bragg III, and served as the Command Sergeant of the XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg until July 2012. Currently he is assigned as the U.S. Army Cadet Command and Fort Knox Command Sergeant Major. He has attended and graduated from all NCO Developmental Schools to include the United States Army s Sergeants Major Academy.

    Command Sergeant Major Howard s awards and decorations include the following: Legion of Merit (2 OLC), Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (3 OLC), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (3 OLC), Army Achievement Medal (3 OLC), Good Conduct Medal (8th Award), Southwest Asia Service Ribbon, Humanitarian Service Medal, Kuwait Liberation Ribbon, Global War on Terrorism Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Professional Development Ribbon (Numeral 4), Army Service Ribbon, Combat Action Badge, Master Parachutist Badge, Drill Sergeant Badge, German Parachutist Badge, the Egyptian Parachutist Badge, the Irish Parachutist Badge, and the Chilean Parachutist Badge. CSM Howard has been married to his wife, Velma for 27 years. They have two children, a daughter (Archella), a son (Roger) and a granddaughter (Ava).

    Know who's to your left and right...

    And know who is in your Chain of Command and who is on Staff. Download the Rattler Battalion Staff Structure. This can also be found in Documents and Resources on the main website (see links).

    Army Bans DMAA Supplement

    Read the recent memo:

    The Department of Defense has put a ban on all products containing DMAA. These products, formerly sold on-base at GNC stores, were pulled off shelves at the beginning of this year. Service members are prohibited from using the supplements pending further testing on their health effects. DMAA is found in many of the popular energy and weight loss supplements such as Jack3d or OxyElite Pro. These pre-workout and thermogenic supplements increase metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure and the body's heat production. Sudden death cases have been reported involving DMAA users.

    Recall we experienced a recent Cadet fatality in the Apache Brigade due to organ failure complicated by OTC supplement use and over exertion. Deep down Cadets desire is to impress and improve their performance. Unfortunately not all Cadets are in shape after a long summer; some will turn to a store bought product for a boost rather than sweat & hard work.

    See Army Bans DMAA Supplement to view the short article and other related links (Army Substance Abuse Program, AR 600-85 Army Substance Abuse Program publication, Drug and Alcohol facts guides).

    Physical Readiness Training (PRT)

  • Time: 0600-0700
  • However, "10-15mins early is on time; on time is late!"
  • Days: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
  • Locations: UIW Benson Stadium and StMU Intramural Fields. Subject to change; refer to your Company's OPORD.
  • Military Science Labs

  • "UIW Labs"
  • Location: UIW Back Soccer Fields, subject to change
    Day: Mondays
    Time: 1500-1700
  • "StMU Labs"
  • Location: StMU Calderon Hall, subject to change
    Day: Wednesdays
    Time: 1400-1600

    MSIV Class Reading Assignment

    Due 26 November, Monday - "Once an Eagle", by Anton Myrers.